Friday, January 15, 2016

The Happiest Place on Earth: Part 2

After the whirlwind decision to attempt the Disney Half Marathon on Saturday, I woke up at 2:30AM on Sunday with Brittany in hopes of giving her some encouragement for her full marathon she was running that day. I was wide awake and we just had some small talk. I knew she was nervous and I didn't want to add on any fear. I snapped a quick pic of her and sent her on her way. She was going to load the bus and take the same trek I had. She was in corral M, so she was in the corral directly in front of where I had been the previous day.

I had signed up for tracking so I could track her run and know where she was as she got to each major area. I laid down after she left knowing that her race would't start for a few hours. I woke up at 6:10AM to a text telling me she had begun. I decided I could nap for a few more minutes and went back to sleep.

When I woke up again it was to the first message telling me she was at mile 5! She had already run 5 miles! That was insane. I checked her pace and it was obvious she was making good time! I yelled a cheer and proceeded to get up and moving for the day. The remainder of my day continued in the same manner. A random text message making me jump and excitement of seeing where she was in conjunction to her pace.

I was so nervous that I was cleaning the room and trying to keep myself busy. I got the text that she was at mile 20 and I knew she was only a 10K away from finishing this goal she had set for herself. I knew at that point that no matter what, she would finish. As the text telling me she finished came through, I received the following picture:

Brittany holding her finishers medal for the full marathon!

I was so excited and I actually started crying because I was so proud of her. I text her back and told her to hurry back and her lunch was on me. She came back, showered, and we enjoyed some meatball subs and a cupcake. We then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening just relaxing in the room and recovering. We had planned a fun-filled day in Disney the next day and soreness be damned we were going to do it. 

B relaxing in bed after finishing her marathon. (She had one major runners high!)

My friend Marianne also popped in for a visit while we were there! It was so good to see her again! 

That night neither of us had trouble sleeping. We were both full of happiness from the day and there was no greater feeling than the feeling that everything that happened, happened for a reason. 

Happiness is the best,

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