Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February is here...

Well hello February...

February is typically my favorite month. Mainly because it is the month of my birth and I enjoy celebrating things. It's also the month my Granny Nell, Mom, and Dad were born, so of course it's pretty busy for the most part. Most importantly, Mardi Gras is typically going on until then as well so there are lots of parades and functions to participate in. 

My February has been pretty crazy the last 10 days and it is blowing my mind that the month is almost half over! We are only 14 days from my birthday at the moment and have already celebrated my Granny and my Mom's b'days as well as Mardi Gras. It seems that 2016 is off to a quick start. 

On Sunday of this week I went to Joe Cain Day with my sister and 2 of my cousins. It's a day full of parades and craziness. It was pretty chilly and I was surprised that nobody wanted to go home before we finished parading for the day. We got to downtown Mobile around 10am and paraded until almost 5. We decided to skip the 6pm parade because 1. We were starving and 2. We had more throws than we knew what to do with. We called it a day and trekked back to our car before heading to my cousins house to divvy up the throws. :) 

Monday I met up with my friend Joylyn and we walked a 10k at the track across the street from my house. She had never done more than 3 miles at one time, so when she realized we had finished a 10k she was in shock...and also sore! LOL! I also started back on my supplements that have been helping me with weight loss. They are all natural and I have really benefited from taking them. (I'll post more about that later.)

On Tuesday, AKA Fat Tuesday, we went parading again. This time it was me and Chelsea with 2 of our other cousins. We got there for the 10:30 parade and left around 1:30-ish. We stopped by K's to visit and ended up staying until almost 9pm. (Oops) It was a good visit and I left in a great mood. 

That leads us into today. Today I  started the day working on school stuff, then spent the afternoon with my sister and my friend Kelly. We grabbed lunch around 11:30 and then hit up some shopping until roughly 2. I got some new clothes for the gym and some MUCH needed compression socks. I can't wait to use them after a good workout! 

I'm also apparently a glutton for punishment because I posted the following picture on my facebook and now I'm responsible for 330 squats and 590 sit ups (or crunches as I'm going to do). This is going to make me super sore, but I know it will all be worth it in the end! :) 

I'll keep you posted on my progress...

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