Sunday, January 31, 2016

January is Over...Now what?

Wow...January is over. That was probably the quickest month ever! Here is a short recap of what I've done:

1. Set goals for the new year.
2. Ran 10 miles of a half marathon in Disney World.
3. Enjoyed time with my college roomie.
4. Went to a Mardi Gras Ball.
5. Joined a gym.
6. Tried something new- solo (yes, I went by MYSELF) mani/pedi with powder manicure instead of polish (LOVE!!!!)
7. Spent time with family.
8. Caught up on everything I was behind on.
9. Made progress towards moving on with my life.
10. Saw a friend off on her new adventure in Colorado.

It's hard to believe that this month is already over. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was partying it up with my friend Kelly on New Year's Eve and we were setting our goals for the year. I'm proud to say I'm well on my way to accomplishing some of them!

Things in the relationship world are getting better. I've been spending more time with K and we are starting to get to know each other even better than we ever have. He's been sharing things with me and we are starting to develop some sort of "feelings" for each other. I can't say it is anywhere near love, but it's a special bond we share. I have also been working out my feelings with my ex. We finally spoke and got everything out in the open. I'm finally starting to realize that as bad as this breakup has hurt me, it has been a blessing in disguise because I'm finally getting to find Jana again and things that I had long forgotten I enjoyed, I'm finally doing again.

I have found that going to the gym alone and doing things by myself isn't quite as bad as I had anticipated they would be. I still have yet to go to a restaurant and eat alone, but I'm hoping that maybe I'll be brave enough to do that soon. We shall see. :)

Other than that, life has been good to me and I cannot complain in the least. One month down, 11 to go.

Finding my happiness again...

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