Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day and More...

When I saw this picture I seriously laughed out loud. For years I was in a relationship and all of my single friends would joke that I was celebrating "VD". Then this first one single since I was 20, I get to celebrate "SAD". Haha. It seems fitting though because this year has definitely been a year of change and a lot of "SAD" moments. However, I'm starting to realize more and more each day that I am moving on FINALLY and can actually breathe again. 

When my ex and I broke up back in May, I seriously thought I was going to die. I remember feeling that tightness in my chest and being unable to breathe. I remember crying uncontrollably for weeks and months on end. I'm proud to say that my last cry session was actually back in January and that each day since the last one has been better. There are days that I don't even think about him anymore...and I never thought that would ever happen.

This morning Facebook decided I should want to relive the ghosts of Valentine's Days past...and so I logged in and all of the sweet things I had let fade came rushing back to the forefront. At first I wasn't sure how I would handle it, but at the end of it all, it was nice to remember that he was once a really awesome, sweet, loving, and caring guy. He was the guy I thought I'd spend my life with. But then I remembered that he didn't feel the same way, so I just flipped to the next thing and kept moving on. I didn't get upset. I didn't cry. I didn't even let it bother me. And for that, I'm proud of myself. 

About 5 minutes after I finished 330 squats and 590 crunches

For those of you wondering about how my squat/crunch activity went, I'm proud to say it went great! :) Yes. I did them ALL! I was sore, I was tired, but at the end of the day I was happy I stuck it out and did it. And believe it or not, even though I was sore...I wasn't as sore as I could have been. I'm so grateful for muscle memory. Without it, I'd have been in some major trouble. 

I went to the gym yesterday and got in an hour and a half workout. It felt so good to actually get a good sweat on. I started out on the treadmill and finished Day 1 of C25K and then did about 8 minutes on the elliptical. Then I put on my big girl panties and I finally attempted the 30 minute circuit room...and I LOVED it! You are only allowed to do it once every other day, so when I go to the gym on Tuesday, I'll def be hitting it up again. I would go tomorrow, but my friend Racquel is coming in and we made plans to hang out! She and I haven't seen each other in a LONG time, so this is much needed friend time! I cannot wait! 

As you know, this blog is about finding my happy again. I'm proud to say, I'm well on my way. I saw this as I was looking through Pinterest and it really hit home. I can't think about how many times I've done or said this over and over. I'm now living each day up like it's my last one. I'm taking control of my life and I'm gearing up for an amazing journey. Thank you to each of my readers for being on my journey with me. I know it won't be easy, but it will be worth it. :) 

Still seeking happy...

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