Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 2: Setting Goals for Happiness

This quote brings me a lot of comfort. At 29 (almost 30) it is a scary feeling to feel like you are "starting over". To go from having everything figured out to being thrust into feelings of inadequacy and fear. I went from knowing (or thinking I knew) what I wanted to being completely confused and feeling out of control. 

Goal setting is one of my favorite things to do because you can set goals for the short term or the long term. For the near future or the distant future. The world becomes your playground with an infinite amount of possibilities. 

The goals I am setting this year are specifically designed to help me reach my ultimate level of happiness. Not only allowing me to be happy, but to allow me to help others be happy as well. And hopefully to find an overall happier sense of being.

Goal 1: Get a gym membership

This seems cliche'. I know, I know, but the reasoning behind this go a lot deeper than the typical "New Year, New Me" nonsense that you see in January. This particular goal is to give me an outlet to work out any stress I may have pent up, to allow me to feel better about myself, and to allow me to spend time with people outside of work or home. My cousin, Loren, mentioned that she wanted to get a gym membership, but would only actually go if someone would agree to go with her. I instantly felt the pull that I should be that person. Being 12 years older than her, I see her more as a little sister than a cousin and I enjoy getting to spend time with her. I'm closer in age to her older sisters, so she and I are not as close as I am with the older ones. I'd like to use this time to get to know her better and spend some major quality time, all the while getting myself into better shape and letting go of all the hurt I have had bottled up. (I've also always been told that the best revenge is to show them what they are missing out on.)

***Goal 1 is underway. I am now a proud black card holder at Planet Fitness***

Goal 2: Try something new once a month

I am a creature of habit. I tend to eat at the same places, go to the same places, and very rarely break routine of any kind. I also tend to not do things if I have to go alone. I don't know what it is about me, but I find comfort being surrounded by other people. Now don't get me wrong, I am open to most things..but not when I have to go alone. However, it's time I take action and stop missing out on things because I feel self conscious about being alone. There are  a lot of people in the same boat and I am no longer going to let that fear keep me from doing new things. I want to try something new once a month, whether it be a restaurant, going to a new store, trying a new food, lipstick, clothing item, etc. One new thing a month will open me up to 12 new things in a year. It's time I embraced it. 

Goal 3: Stop Dwelling in the Past: It only destroys my future

This is more of a personal goal for myself because I tend to harbor feelings inside and I rarely say things. I keep it bottled up and replay it over and over again looking for a new ending or solution. This is not only unhealthy, but it keeps me from trusting people and building new relationships. I have got to let go of the past so I can move on into my future.

Goal 4: Say something nice to someone everyday (and mean it)

My parents always taught me to be nice to people. To compliment them and make them feel good about themselves. It comes naturally to me to talk and make conversation with people, even when I really don't want to. However, sometimes when I feel like there is too much silence I will compliment someone just to make conversation and won't mean it. I hate doing that and I want to make sure when I say something nice it's because I mean it, not to just make conversation. 

Goal 5: It's okay to say "NO" sometimes

I am a very nice person and everyone who knows me would consider me helpful. However, this does not work out to my advantage because sometimes I get taken advantage of because I feel like I can't say no. I'll kill myself trying to do for others and a lot of times I get the short end of the stick. I know I need to work on saying "No" and asserting my authority and meaning it. This is the time to do it. 

These are just a few of the goals I have set for myself. Of course there are many more I'm not ready to share, but I think that this is a good start. What are YOUR goals for the new year? Share with me in the comments. I'd love to have some new ideas. 

Meeting Goals and Taking Names,

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